Markus Friedrich, Dipl. Sportwissenschaftler & Personal Trainer

The Cause-

Find out the actual causes
behind your issues and complaints.

Simple. Fast. Effective. - With trust to noticeably better quality of life.

Are you looking for someone who understands your issues and problems and who can tell you what´s actually behind them? Do you finally want to be yourself, a 100 percent, and achieve your physical, mental and/or emotional goals? Then you are exactly right with me.

I have developed my own training and therapy concept, in which I can find out the actual causes behind your issues and problems and thus solve them in a targeted, effective and sustainable way. Because nothing costs as much time and energy as not knowing the causes.

I will support you until we have completely solved your topic or problem by showing you how to see things more easily and let them go faster. Together we will achieve the results you are hoping for in a short time. In the end you will have noticeably more confidence in yourself, your body and in life in general, I promise.

Yours, Markus Friedrich

I can particularly help you with the following main topics:

Headache / Migraine

Headache / Migraine

You suffer from headaches or migraines? And everything you have done so far has not brought the desired, lasting results?
Yips / Socket

Yips / Socket

Do you know this moment? The final stroke before triumph: concentration, swing and suddenly... involuntary, jerky muscle twitches - the chance is lost!
Depression / Burnout

Depression / Burnout

Do you suffer from depression or are you struggling with a serious life crisis? Do you feel burnt out or are you physically and mentally exhausted?
Acute or chronic pain

Acute or chronic pain

You suffer from acute or constantly recurring (chronic) pain? And all previous attempts to get these complaints under control did not give you the desired, lasting results?

Headache / Migraine

A headache or a migraine can have many causes and always goes deeper. What does this mean? It means that in addition to physical aspects, there are always one or more psychological factors involved. Therefore, in the case of a headache or a migraine, it is always necessary to look behind the problem in a completely individual way. With my special diagnosis and therapy method, I can precisely determine your individual chain of causes and thus entirely resolve your headache and your migraine. Make an appointment today for a free consultation.

Yips / Socket

The reason for both Yips and Socket goes primarily back to our early childhood development. Through the first priming of arbitrariness, developed by two early childhood reflexes, we learn the distinction between " do I want – don’t I want". If, in a tournament, you get to a situation of deciding between "do I do it - don't I do it", which means an immense pressure situation and stress, our body falls back on these primitive reflex patterns, which expresses itself in sudden, involuntary muscle movements. I can completely dissolve these reflex patterns with the F&W Reflexintegration®.

Depression / Burnout

You feel depressed or burnt out? Then you are not alone. Many people suffer from such emotional stress, but rarely manage to take the right steps at the right time. With my special diagnosis and therapy method, I can determine the respective causal chains behind physical, mental and emotional issues and thus support you quickly, specifically and effectively. I will accompany you in the shortest possible time on your way out of your personal crisis and lead you to a noticeably new quality of life. If you are ready to walk this path with me, make an appointment today for a free initial consultation.

Acute or chronic pain

Acute pain, but especially chronic pain, can have many causes and usually often goes deeper. What does this mean? It means that besides physical aspects, mental or psychological factors can in fact be involved. Therefore, in the case of constantly recurring pain, it is always necessary to look behind the problem on an individual basis. With my special diagnosis and therapy method, I can precisely determine your individual chain of causes in this respect and combat your pain in a targeted manner. If you want to finally get your symptoms under control, then please make an appointment today for a free consultation.

My Services

Customer testimonials about training & coaching with Markus Friedrich

  • »Ich bin beeindruckt von Markus' großem fachlichen Know-How, seiner Professionalität und seinem ganzheitlichen, unglaublich effektiven Training.«
    Katjuscha Lockhart, HR Advisor

  • »Nach wie vor bin ich extrem überrascht von Markus' Fähigkeiten und kann nur jedem empfehlen, sich seiner anzunehmen.«
    Paul Lassak, Finanzexperte

  • »Durch Auflösen gestörter, zum Teil frühkindlicher Reflexmuster, gelingt es Markus, Bewegungsabläufe zu vereinfachen und optimieren.«
    Dr. Matthias Welker

  • »Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass mir Sport so viel Spaß macht.«
    Christine Hermes, Chef Stewardess

  • »Ich bin ruhiger und konzentrierter auf dem Fußballplatz und treffe sowohl im Training als auch im Spiel schneller die richtigen Entscheidungen.«
    Stefan Lex, Profifussballer

  • »Das Training mit Markus ist immer speziell und mit viel Einfühlungsvermögen auf mich abgestimmt.«
    Astrid Schultheiss, Personalsachbearbeiterin

  • »Mit dem Training von Markus sind meine Rückenschmerzen komplett verschwunden, was ich nie für möglich gehalten hätte.«
    Susanne Veth, Angestellte

  • »Seit Jahren hatte ich Rückenschmerzen. Mittels Reflexintegration hat Markus es in nur drei Behandlungen geschafft, diese dauerhaft zu beheben.«
    Regina Niemzok

  • »Spürbare Effekte des Trainings bei Markus erkannte ich bereits innerhalb weniger Wochen.«
    Steffen Kirchner, Speaker & Mentalcoach

  • »Durch das Coaching mit Markus ist mein Golfspiel geprägt von Lockerheit und Leichtigkeit.«
    Christian Mataré, selbständiger Berater im Golfmanagement und Golfsport

My concept for holistic health

As Germany's first Sportomneologist®, I strive to help people achieve physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. This includes recognizing and correcting pathological patterns. Through my work, consisting of coaching, training and the F&W Reflexintegration®, I can break through your pathological patterns and help you gain noticeably more confidence and thus significantly more energy and quality of life.

And when do you get started?

With the aim of combining and expanding already known therapy and training methods and going my own way, I have developed a new, revolutionary training concept for you. Through the unique combination of functional personal training, sportomneological® support and the F&W Reflexintegration®, I can find the actual causes of your issues and problems and can support you in a targeted manner. This truly is the best and only permanently sustainable solution. Take your health and fitness to a new level with my help.
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