Nutrition & Mental Training


"When I have eaten well, my soul is strong and unshakable; not even the heaviest blow of fate can change that." (Molière, French dramatist)

A healthy diet is fundamental to a good attitude towards life. But what is healthy nutrition anyway? And how do I know what is best for me and my goals?

In my nutritional counselling you will get exactly these answers and many other tips for a balanced, healthy diet. With my special diagnostic and therapeutic method, I determine your very individual distribution of macro- and micronutrients as well as their best sources of intake for you. And if necessary, all of this can be done from the comfort of your own home! This way you get the nutrition plan that is exactly tailored to you, your health and your personal wishes.

You are interested in your very special, ideal nutrient balance? Here you will find the vital substances your body needs.

This is how you benefit from my nutritional advice:

Mental training

"The quality of your thoughts determines the quality of your feelings (emotions) and therefore the quality of your life." (Steffen Kirchner, Life Coach)

With my help, learn how to have maximum influence on your world of thoughts and thus create the foundation for your new self-confidence. If you direct your focus on the positive things in life, you will feel how your life energy increases.

In my mental training I first get a picture of your current situation and then find out where the real causes for your actual difficulties lie. From the multitude of my coaching methods, I select the best approach for you, with which we work together on your solution with maximum efficiency and speed.

This is how you benefit from my mental coaching:Only when you control your thoughts, do you also control your self-confidence and thus your attitude towards life.

Customer testimonials about Nutrition & Mental Training with Markus Friedrich

"Spürbare Effekte des Trainings bei Markus erkannte ich bereits innerhalb weniger Wochen."

Steffen Kirchner, Speaker & Mentalcoach

"Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass mir Sport so viel Spaß macht."

Christine Hermes, Chef Stewardess

"Nach wie vor bin ich extrem überrascht von Markus' Fähigkeiten und kann nur jedem empfehlen, sich seiner anzunehmen."

Paul Lassak, Finanzexperte

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