Sportwissenschaftler Markus FriedrichSportwissenschaftler Markus Friedrich

Sportomneology® - Find your cause(s)

You have experienced this in your own life or have heard it from others: You go to a doctor, physiotherapist, osteopath, naturopath or trainer with a problem and sometimes get contradictory, insufficient or even wrong statements on your issue. Ultimately, your symptoms cannot be permanently and sustainably eliminated in this way, or you will not even achieve the desired therapeutic success. Through me, you finally gain the certainty of where your problems really come from and how to get them completely and sustainably under control.

Behind every physical, mental and emotional complaint is a, sometimes, far-reaching chain of causes (causal chain). Thus, your concern, with which you come to me, is as individual as a fingerprint.

My aim is to find the actual causes behind your problem and to then support you in the shortest time and best possible way in order to lead you to the desired results.

Through my training and with the help of Dr. Matthias Welker I have therefore developed a new diagnosis and therapy concept, Sportomneology® (Latin: omnia = everything, and neo = new), which is unique in Germany. With this concept I can identify the actual causes behind your issues and problems. The central guide is always the "statement" of your body, which provides me with all the necessary answers. With my approach of Sportomneology®, you will finally gain the certainty of where your problems really come from and how we can eliminate them completely and sustainably.

You can find out more about Medical Omneology at

Customer testimonials about Sportomneology® with Markus Friedrich

"Ich bin beeindruckt von Markus' großem fachlichen Know-How, seiner Professionalität und seinem ganzheitlichen, unglaublich effektiven Training."

Katjuscha Lockhart, HR Advisor

"Spürbare Effekte des Trainings bei Markus erkannte ich bereits innerhalb weniger Wochen."

Steffen Kirchner, Speaker & Mentalcoach

"Durch das Coaching mit Markus ist mein Golfspiel geprägt von Lockerheit und Leichtigkeit."

Christian Mataré, selbständiger Berater im Golfmanagement und Golfsport

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